
Carter-Hoffmann manufactures food holding, warming and transporting equipment as well as cabinets for growing micro greens.


The leading manufacturer for food holding, warming and transporting equipment 

Carter-Hoffmann manufactures food holding, warming and transporting equipment as well as cabinets for growing micro greens.

Carter-Hoffmann products include:

  • A wide selection of holding cabinets
  • Heated holding and transport carts
  • Mobile refrigerators
  • And various other food holding, warming, and transporting equipment.



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Labor and Profitability from Hotels to Restaurants

Being a hospitality or catering foodservice professional isn’t just a career. It’s a passion. Even when hotels are more crowded post-pandemic, hospitality and catering businesses are trying to appeal to customers while streamlining labor.

Solutions for Successful Takeout and Delivery Service in Restaurants

Enjoying food from a local Florida restaurant doesn't necessarily mean dining in the restaurant itself. Some people like the convenience of takeout and delivery. While this has been popular with pizza chains of all types for many years, off-premise dining has become popular among other types of restaurants; it was a trend that came to the forefront during the height of the pandemic when many restaurants that didn't traditionally offer takeout and delivery options were forced to do so. Now that we're putting the pandemic in the rearview mirror, this trend appears here to stay.

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